pdf - The House of Portable
bluebeam revu 2018 extreme portable

Bluebeam Revu eXtreme 21.3 Portable +Multilanguage +Setup

bluebeam revu 20 extreme portable

Revu makes your drawings, plans and documents work smarter

Revu delivers award-winning PDF creation, editing, markup and collaboration technology for your design and construction workflows. You’ll boost productivity by leveraging markup data across the entire project lifecycle, and streamline processes to get more done in less time.

More than 1 million design and construction professionals worldwide trust Revu® to elevate project efficiency and collaboration



MakeMusic Finale 26.1 Portable

makemusic finale 26 portable
The World Standard in Music Notation Software

Compose. Arrange. Teach. Share.

Finale is the world-wide industry standard in music notation software. Anywhere music appears on the printed page, Finale likely created those pages. Finale helps the choir to sing, the band to march, the students to learn, and the orchestra to raise the excitement level in the latest blockbuster movie.

Part of what sets Finale apart is its unique ability to create anything on the printed page. Where other software offers paint-by-numbers solutions, Finale offers complete freedom and flexibility. As a result, musicians around the world rely on Finale to create, edit, audition, print, and publish the widest variety of musical scores.

Finale also offers breathtakingly realistic music playback, and more ways to share music with others.

Twenty-five years in the making, Finale 2014 represents the latest evolution in music notation software, making Finale’s signature freedom and flexibility easy for everyone to use.



progeCAD Professional 2020 Portable (v20.0.4.21) +Setup

progecad 2020 portableGeneral-purpose 2D/3D DWG/DXF CAD
The proved alternative to AutoCAD®. progeCAD is an AutoCAD® compatible 2D/3D CAD application that works with AutoCAD® DWG files from AutoCAD® 2.5 through AutoCAD® 2020 and imports Autodesk Revit® and IFC files! The best solution for AEC, MCAD and all generic CAD usages.
Offers more CAD functions than AutoCAD® LT at a fraction of the cost of AutoCAD®, ArchiCAD® or Microstation®



Adobe FrameMaker 2019 Portable

adobe framemaker 2019 portable

Intelligent content for any screen, format and language. Superfast.

For today and tomorrow’s technical communicators

Fast. Powerful. Future-ready. Boost performance with an all-new 64-bit FrameMaker. Create rich, immersive content with unmatched image handling capabilities. Experience faster opening and publishing of PDF and HTML5 files. Push the envelope with new capabilities built on top of the latest technologies. Get started with XML/DITA authoring with an easy-to-use workspace, productivity enhancements, and lots more.



Adobe RoboHelp 2019 Portable (2019.0.2)

adobe robohelp 2019 portable

Smarter Adobe RoboHelp. More productive you.

Deliver exceptional Help, policy and knowledgebase content with the 2019 release of Adobe RoboHelp. Create media-rich experiences using HTML5 and CSS3. Customize layouts and templates with a powerful CSS and skin editor. Publish content as Responsive HTML5, PDF, Mobile App and much more to serve customers across all touchpoints. Personalize experiences using Dynamic Content Filters. Transform the way customers search with a new algorithm, search autocomplete and autocorrect.



Bluebeam Revu eXtreme 2017.0.40 Portable

bluebeam revu extreme 2017 portable

The end-to-end digital workflow and collaboration solution trusted by over 1 million AEC professionals worldwide.

Success from beginning to end

Revu delivers award-winning PDF creation, editing, markup and collaboration technology designed for AEC workflows. Drive project efficiency by utilizing markup data across the entire project lifecycle, and streamline workflow processes to increase productivity.
