Audials One Platinum 2020 Portable +Setup [v2020.0.73] - The House of Portable

audials one 2020 portable

Generation 2020:

Get the freedom to keep music and movies permanently, flexibly and according to your ideas, to share, to store cross-device, to use creatively. Music, Movies, Series, Videos, Podcasts & Radio Stations: Find, Record, Download, Convert and Enjoy Them Anywhere

Audials One Records Everything

Streaming recorder for music and films. Listen to and record internet radio stations. Format converter for all media and devices.

What is Audials One The Best at?

Audials One is the best at massive, rapid, legal and free music retrieval! Only Audials One can simultaneously search the Internet’s best music sources and monitor thousands upon thousands of radio stations. This means it can get the music you want automatically, in top quality and at amazing speeds, delivering it to your PC’s hard disc, to a cloud or to your mobile device connected through the Internet.

The Internet Recorder: Record Anything! Save Everything!

Radio stations, music streams, video clips and movies from video streams are recorded by Audials One and saved in top quality as individual files. This means you can snatch up any unprotected and protected media from the Internet and enjoy it on your PC, smartphone or tablet – anywhere and anytime!

A little something extra in entertainment

With Audials One the world of music TV and podcasts offers you a vast amount of extra entertainment. Boredom is now a thing of the past!

No More Problems with Media Files!

85 file formats and 84 device profiles are on offer to you to ensure the easiest usage. This enables you to copy and archive music, videos, audiobooks, podcasts, films and DVDs and also to convert them to the right format for smartphone, tablet and gaming consoles. Thanks to Audials One, problems with copy protection and file formats are a thing of the past.

Enjoy the Best Entertainment Anywhere and Anytime!

Audials One not only delivers free unlimited entertainment, but also sweetens the deal with multiple extras for you to enjoy your media. You can find new radio stations fast and easily and listen to them conveniently in the Audials player. Your media and music collections, regardless of size, are managed independently and graphically in the Audials Music Universe on your PC, clouds and mobile devices. Everything has been taken into consideration so that to you can sit back and enjoy!

Read more

This is a multi-package portable. I can add updates/plugins via .svm files, just request plugins or notify me about new updates.


- Audials One Platinum 2020 Portable.exe = main program and data file


Sandbox folder: "\Sandbox\Audials 2020\roaming\modified\@PROGRAMFILESX86@\Audials\Audials 2020\..."

Portable features:

  • No installation required
  • No Admin rights needed
  • Pre-activated
  • Online enabled, blocked some hosts to keep activation
  • Sandbox folder containing modified settings, delete to reset
  • Just run it and enjoy!



Version Format Size ? Download ?

Audials One Platinum

[16 November 2019]

Show older versions


748 MB

2017.1 v1.17.1600
[11 March 2017]


748 MB Dfiles

Audials One Platinum

[16 November 2019]


141 MB


Click above to let me know if this program is important to you! It might get more updates 😎
And if the portable works for you, remember to come back and leave a positive comment! 💖

No files are hosted or transmitted by this server. No copyright infringement or violation of intellectual property intended. All the content reported in this post is just a copy-paste of what can be easily found on the original website of the original software maker, that is the one found by clicking on 'Read more'. That website and the relative company owns any intellectual property here included.
By continuing with any file download, the user agrees to have read and understood the Disclaimer page and to be okay with it - as also stated in the cookie bar at the bottom of every page - agreeing to delete any file downloaded from this post within 24 hours from the first run, as it's intended to be for evaluation purposes only, no different from the official Trial given by the owner, but just in an easy 1-click format without installation hassles.

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THE MisTer

“File not found” can you help me?


I have tried all links (portable+setup), but they just lead to promotional web sites?
I haven’t had this problem with your other programs


Why that is so hard to download the file? no one provides a direct link, I’m confused