Cinema 4D Studio R21-R25 Portable +V-Ray +Thea +Laubwerk +Redshift +Arnold +Multilanguage +Setup - The House of Portable

cinema 4d r25 portable

Everything you need for high-end 3D

Cinema 4D Studio is the very best that MAXON has to offer for professional 3D artists. If you want to create advanced 3D graphics but need a helping hand to ensure you create jaw-dropping graphics quickly and easily, then this is the choice for you.

Easy to learn and extremely powerful: Cinema 4D is the perfect package for all 3D artists who want to achieve breathtaking results fast and hassle-free. Beginners and seasoned professionals alike can take advantage of Cinema 4D’s wide range of tools and features to quickly achieve stunning results. Cinema 4D’s legendary reliability also makes it the perfect application for demanding, fast-paced 3D production, and a range of attractively priced software packages is available to fit any artist’s needs.


Getting started in the world of 3D is a blast when you can quickly create great-looking results! Cinema 4D’s intuitive and easy to understand operation and logically arranged interface makes it easy for beginners to jump right in and take control. And it never ceases to amaze professional users just how easy Cinema 4D is to use. Countless tutorials and a global, highly-skilled community play an important role in bringing beginners to a professional level of use.


Cinema 4D is a pillar in our users’ everyday workflow. This is why we make sure from the start that new functions work intuitively and are exactly where users will expect to find them. The Cinema 4D layout can also be easily customized to precisely fit a user’s needs and saved for later use.


Cinema 4D’s stability is renowned throughout the 3D community and beyond. All new features and functions are thoroughly put through their paces by our QA and beta testers before being released. Our free service packs, which are released on a regular basis, further optimize Cinema 4D and let us rapidly respond to changes in operating systems and drivers!


Stay flexible from beginning to end! Staying flexible for last-minute changes is important no matter which project you’re working on. Cinema 4D offers numerous options for working non-destructively: parametric modeling, procedural shaders, textures and more. And the Cinema 4D Take System lets you save and manage multiple versions of a scene in a single file! See more features  


Welcome to the Deep End

Cinema 4D Release 20 marks a huge leap in technology, introducing massive new frameworks that put tremendous power in your creative hands. The possibilities are endless, your creativity is unleashed – it’s time to jump in the deep end.

Node-Based Materials

From simple references to complex shaders, you can build extraordinary materials in a node-based overview. Complex effects created via nodes can be wrapped as assets and delivered as simple materials, with just the necessary parameters exposed. Release 20’s node-based materials have the power to change the way you work, whether you directly create amazing shaders through nodes or simply make use of assets shared by those who do.

MoGraph Fields

Use more than just simple shapes to control effectors, deformers, weights and more. Fields will revolutionize the MoGraph feature set, making it easy to create complex effects by combining falloffs. You’ll never use Cinema 4D the same way again.

CAD Data Import

Say goodbye to conversion woes – most popular CAD formats can be imported with a simple drag-and-drop. Get the models you need, with the quality you want thanks to the robust and flexible import of STEP, Solidworks, JT, Catia and IGES files.

Volume Modeling

powered by OpenVDB

Better Booleans are only the beginning – create models by combining shapes, splines, particles and noises. It’s all thanks the power of voxels and OpenVDB. Import and export VDB and even use volumes to control MoGraph effects.

ProRender Enhancements

The next generation of native GPU rendering is here – and it’s packed with production-level features to help you get the job done. Render sub-surface scattering, motion blur and multi-passes on your super-charged Nvidia PC.


Release 20 continues a push towards modern core technology, with substantial API changes and further development on a new modeling framework.


Manage millions of objects in Cinema 4D’s view by simply switching the Cloner to Multi-Instance mode.


The power of the Motion Tracker is tamed through key workflow enhancements. Compare Studio with other versions (Studio is the best ofc)

This is a multi-package portable. I can add updates/plugins via .svm files, just request plugins or notify me about new updates.


- Cinema 4D R21/S22/R25 Portable.exe = main program and data file - *.svm = additional optional plugin files for Portable version


Sandbox folder: "\Sandbox\Cinema 4D 22\roaming\modified\@PROGRAMFILES@\Maxon Cinema 4D R22\"


Multilanguage version! All available languages included. You can choose in R21: English, Arabic, Chinese, Czech, German, Castellano, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Polski, Russian, French. You can choose in R22+: English, Arabic, Chinese, German, Italiano, Japanese, Russian, French. Portable should start in your system language, but you can also change it in Preferences/Interface. maxon cinema 4d r21 portable multilanguage

Portable features:

  • No installation required
  • No Admin rights needed
  • Pre-activated
  • 100% Offline, completely safe to use, no firewall needed
  • Sandbox folder containing modified settings, delete to reset
  • Just run it and enjoy!

04 November 2019 - Added Thea Render 2.1 plugin - only works with R20 23 November 2019 - updated to R21.107 and added Corona Renderer 4 plugin 25 November 2019 - Added Thea Render 2.2 plugin - only works with R21 05 December 2019 - R21.115 update + added SolidAngle C4DtoArnold v2.6.2 plugin 21 April 2020 - R22 update (now called S22 from Subscription) 16 June 2020 - S22.116 update + added 4x plugins pack and Laubwerk Plants 17 June 2020 - added Redshift plugin for R19 and R20 only, sorry couldn't do better 11 October 2021 - R25 update

Note: not all plugins are compatible with latest C4D version. If you need to use plugins like V-Ray or Thea, please check plugin compatibility in the download table ('version' column) and download the compatible portable!



Version Format Size ? Download ?

Portable releases

Cinema 4D

R25.0.1 Studio
[11 October 2021]


1.28 GB

S22.116 Studio
[16 June 2020]

+ Show older S22 builds


978 MB

S22.016 Studio
[21 April 2020]


968 MB

R21.115 Studio
[05 December 2019]

+ Show older R21 builds


928 MB

R21.107 Studio
[23 November 2019]


1.15 GB

R21.027 Studio
[19 October 2019]


1.16 GB

R21.022 Studio
[15 September 2019]


856 MB

R20.057 Studio

+ Show older R20 builds


R20.026 Studio

Portable Turbobit
archive password: archive password:

V-Ray Adv

for Portable R20 only!
[17 March 2019]


1 GB


for Portable R19-R20 only!
[17 June 2020]


970 MB

Thea Render

for Portable R21 only!
[25 November 2019]

Show older versions


1.75 GB

for Portable R20 only!
[04 November 2019]


1.82 GB

Corona Renderer

v4 Hotfix 3
for Portable R21 only!
[23 November 2019]


165 MB

Arnold Renderer

for Portable R21 only!
[05 December 2019]


559 MB

Poly Greeble

1.01, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
for Portable R20-R21-S22
[16 June 2020]


5 MB

Laubwerk Plants Kit

1.0.33 for R21-S22
[16 June 2020]

.svm file

558 MB

Setup releases

Cinema 4D

R25.0.1 Studio
[10 October 2021]

+ Show older setup versions


538 MB

S22.116 Studio
[16 June 2020]


626 MB

S22.016 Studio
[21 April 2020]


626 MB

R21.115 Studio
[05 December 2019]


625 MB

R21.107 Studio
[23 November 2019]


620 MB

R21.027 Studio
[19 October 2019]


615 MB

[15 September 2019]


450 MB


for Setup R19-R20 only!
[17 June 2020]


404 MB

Thea Render

for Setup R14-R21
[25 November 2019]

Show older versions


520 MB

for Setup R14-R20
[04 November 2019]


820 MB

Corona Renderer

v4 Hotfix 3
for Setup R14-R21
[23 November 2019]


140 MB

Arnold Renderer

for Setup R21
[05 December 2019]


230 MB

Poly Greeble

1.01, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
for Setup R20-R21-S22
[16 June 2020]


5 MB

Laubwerk Plants Kit

1.0.33 for R21-S22
[16 June 2020]


515 MB

Click above to let me know if this program is important to you! It might get more updates 😎
And if the portable works for you, remember to come back and leave a positive comment! 💖

No files are hosted or transmitted by this server. No copyright infringement or violation of intellectual property intended. All the content reported in this post is just a copy-paste of what can be easily found on the original website of the original software maker, that is the one found by clicking on 'Read more'. That website and the relative company owns any intellectual property here included.
By continuing with any file download, the user agrees to have read and understood the Disclaimer page and to be okay with it - as also stated in the cookie bar at the bottom of every page - agreeing to delete any file downloaded from this post within 24 hours from the first run, as it's intended to be for evaluation purposes only, no different from the official Trial given by the owner, but just in an easy 1-click format without installation hassles.

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not working!
There has been an error starting this application. Error code:
\\?\V:\Cinema 4D Studio R21-S22 Portable\odeon22116\Sandbox\Cinema 4D22\IocaI\stubexe\0xB934588F627214C0\Cinema 4D.exe, 0x00E00


I was trying to get C4D and RedShift up and running. So I downloaded R20.057 Studio first, but it is not even starting. The THOP splashscreen shows up for a brief moment but nothing happens. I also downloaded C4D S22 and it works like a charm. Both portable versions. Do you habe any idea why R20.057 doesn’t do anything on my machine?
Thanks in advance, you’re doing a terrific job man!


Can you help me with one problem? R20 + RedShift where there is no pop-up window for entering names and passwords.
What to do?
And of course the render has a watermark.

Last edited 4 years ago by Robert

Honestly, I can’t find it anywhere, searched everything. Where there are preferences, it says that is a Demo. By all accounts there should be some pop-ups, but no matter how many times I delete the Sandbox and try again, always the same. Help if you can.


No need to apologize, you are doing a fantastic job and I, like many others, are very grateful for everything. If something doesn’t work, logically we ask you first, and then we either ask further or give up, but no one I believe blames you. If you can help or know the solution, great, if not everything is OK. Maybe someone else reads who found the solution and helps. And on this occasion, I thank you for all the programs that you have made available to us.
You are the Portable King.


Thank You! Please upload Octane Render 2020.1.5-R4, for Cinema 4D R20-R22, without watermarks on render. Thank You!

Trinity Mugagga

So far, the portables I’ve downloaded from you worked beautifully (thank you very much!) but since upgrading my Win 10 a month ago to the latest build, Audition 2019 doesn’t save any preferences, presets, layouts, etc. Is there a way around that? Or, do you have a version only a month old, because about then is when I downloaded the one I’m using now. Thanks.

Trinity Mugagga

Super!! Will do that. Thanks so much!


Winlicense ,.. ?
Name ,.. ?
Password ,.. ?

plz help ^_^


First i want to thank you for the great work you’re doing, i’ve a little issue with Redshift on R20, in the Name and Password window it doesn’t accept the ones in the readme file. I hope you can help me with that issue.

Powerful and accessible 3D experience to VFX artists creating feature films, commercials or video games, with superior performance.

The most intuitive way to design, document and communicate your ideas in 3D.


After upgrading to 22.116, it goes back to license manager page, and cannot crack with the files provided.
Please check.


I really did try all the steps.
Then re-installed it, works perfect without upgrade.
I guess, its better to stick to this.
(If you have any other solution, please do let me know)


Could you get some Greyscalegorilla plugins? Would be great thanks!