HELP / FAQ / HOW TO - The House of Portable

Frequently Asked Questions



  1. What is a portable program?
  2. I have multiple parts! part01 part02 etc. And now? Password?
  3. I’m getting an exe file instead of a .rar archived file!
  4. I can’t see the website! (404/can’t find)
  5. I do see the website, but the file does not exist!
  6. How to download?
  7. Problems with a portable
    • 7a. Missing .dll file
    • 7b. Only THOP splash screen and nothing else
    • 7c. Unable to load a required virtual machine component
    • 7d. App requires Win10 Anniversary Update or later
    • 7x. Other errors
  8. Other misc questions
    • How to remove splashscreen
    • Why are your portables so big
    • Why can’t I pin a portable to taskbar


  1. Cos’è un programma portable?
  2. Ho più parti differenti, che devo fare? (part1,part2). Qual è la password?
  3. Mi ha scaricato un exe invece di un archivio rar!
  4. Non riesco a vedere il sito! (404/impossibile trovare..)
  5. Vedo il sito, ma sembra che non ci sia il file..
  6. Come faccio a scaricare?
  7. Problemi con un portable
    • 7a. Errore file .dll mancante
    • 7b. Compare solo l’intro THOP e poi non parte niente
    • 7c. Unable to load a required virtual machine component
    • 7d. App requires Win10 Anniversary Update or later
    • 7x. Altri errori
  8. Altre varie
    • Come togliere lo splashscreen all’avvio
    • Perché i tuoi portable son così pesanti
    • Come pinnare il portable sulla taskbar




1. What is a portable program?

Cos’è un programma portable?



2. Multiple parts

Ho più parti cosa faccio



3. exe file, not rar

mi scarica un file exe, e non un rar



4. I can’t see the download website!

non riesco a vedere il sito per scaricare!



5. the file does not exist/offline

il file non esiste/eliminato, uff che faccio



6. How to download?!

6a. Downloading from my /download/ page


6b. Problems with new links at /download/


6a. Downloading from

(for old portables and for some multiple links)


7. Problems running a portable

Problemi a usare un portable


There can be many different problems with a portable software, and not all are solvable. You understand that programs are not born to be portable, so they not always work. I just publish those which do work for me, but may not work for everybody. Those which did not work for me were not published (such as famous Vegas (edit: made it!), Lumion, HitFilm, AdobeXD… You can search ‘Failed‘ in THOP Live page, or also see failed requests table in Request page). I try my best to make portables the most compatible possible, so always make sure to:

  • use latest available version of that portable (search for it on this website).
  • keep your system up to date through Windows Update. Windows 11 is not necessary but strongly recommended. (Windows 10 is falling behind but should still be fine. Keep in mind that Windows 7 is from 2009 and it was ‘discontinued‘ by Microsoft on 14 January 2020! No more security updates, ever. If a new bug is found that can let evil nerds in, you will have it forever). Also, don’t wait for “Windows 11” to update your system – there won’t be any. Windows 10 will be the last one ever. So get it now 🙂

7a. Missing .dll file

Show solution

7b. Only THOP splash screen and nothing else

Show solution

7c. Unable to load a required virtual machine component

Show solution

7d. App requires Win10 Anniversary Update or later

Show solution

7x. Other errors

  • Errors like 0x800704C7: this could be anything, but most of the times it happens for users on w10 Home version, and they fixed by upgrading to Pro version. You can find official Pro licenses on ebay for just $3, and upgrading is just like a normal update, no format or big installations needed.
  • Error “Memory could not be read: weird computery stuff, most likely get fixed with a system reboot.
  • Error “Scratch disks are full: pretty much explains itself, portable runs on a disk which is pretty much full, try a system reboot (usually solves) or copy portable to a disk that has at least like 30GB free. I guess this usually happens with Photoshop.
  • License errors: make sure you read release note.txt which is always included in every release and contains useful informations and details about what you downloaded. Sometimes portable needs activation, if so it’s explained there. If not explained, then something’s wrong. As stated in point 1 in this page, programs are not born to be portable so there can be issues. Usually license is kept in portable mode, sometimes it doesn’t like the new system (yes, yours) so it just doesn’t work. This is usually not solvable I’m sorry, there could be anything on your system that interferes. You may contact me for a chance of help. Otherwise please get Setup version which always works perfectly.


That said, if you really, really didn’t solve and need to contact me for help, NEVER SAY “IT DOESNT WORK PLZ HELP”, you have to provide as much information as possible so I can help you. If you don’t, I may get pissed and don’t even reply. Spend a minute to make my life easier, I receive many messages a day. Thanks!


Other questions

  • Your splashscreen is ugly, how can I remove it?
    Nope. You can’t. There are a lot of a-holes who steal my programs and post them elsewhere, or even sell them to make money over my work. I spend countless hours making these programs and keeping this website up, so at least the final user always knows who’s really behind it, and if they paid for them at least they feel dumb, because here on THOP it’s all FREE to download.
    Tip: clicking on the splashscreen makes it disappear instantly.
    Note: the splash doesn’t delay the startup in any way, it’s in parallel.
    Note: The only way to remove the splashscreen is with a complete rebuild from source, which I always delete. So it requires a complete remaking of the package. It’s possible, but it’s a special private request made only for you, so if you really want me to make it you should donate and contact me.
  • Your portables are huge, too big size, why?
    …see this question that I asked to you users, and you answered this by a long shot. 🙂
  • I can’t properly pin your portable to the Windows taskbar 🙁
    Sorry for that issue, but a portable app is a very complex virtualization method that runs a specific series of processes and tasks when you execute the main file that you downloaded. If you try to pin it to the taskbar, you may try to do it in 2 ways:
    – if you pin the main Portable exe file to the taskbar when it’s NOT running (drag and drop), then, when you click it, the running program will probably appear as a different icon on the taskbar
    – if you pin the program from its icon while it’s running (right click – pin to taskbar), you’re actually pinning the running process, which is not directly the main Portable exe file.
    In the second case, the icon on the taskbar will be blank when it’s not running, and when trying to run it from there it will appear an error like this:
    portable pin to taskbar error
    The actual main program is that exe file mentioned in the error message, but it can’t be started directly because it won’t work, it needs to be started properly from the main launcher which handles everything correctly for the virtualization to run smoothly.
    If you really need the app pinned on the taskbar you can either do the first case (but a second icon will spawn when launched), or you’ll have to use the setup version.
    It is what it is!


other questions?  Hit me on Contact page.

if you ask something that’s already over here, a thermonuclear war will begin, watch out