progeCAD Professional 2020 Portable (v20.0.4.21) +Setup - The House of Portable

progecad 2020 portableGeneral-purpose 2D/3D DWG/DXF CAD
The proved alternative to AutoCAD®. progeCAD is an AutoCAD® compatible 2D/3D CAD application that works with AutoCAD® DWG files from AutoCAD® 2.5 through AutoCAD® 2020 and imports Autodesk Revit® and IFC files! The best solution for AEC, MCAD and all generic CAD usages.
Offers more CAD functions than AutoCAD® LT at a fraction of the cost of AutoCAD®, ArchiCAD® or Microstation®

  • Work natively with DWG! Full compatibility with AutoCAD® without conversion
  • Import BIM projects and objects (Autodesk Revit® and IFC)
  • PDFtoDWG (PDF2DWG) conversion included
  • Amazing exclusive Advanced Features
  • Create architectural layouts in a flash with the EasyArch parametric plug-in
  • 22.000 blocks ready to use + customizable blocks manager
  • Import/Export – Rvt, Rfa, IFC, STEP, IGES, PDF, 3D PDF, DWF, 3DS, DAE, LWO, POV, Maya, OBJ, BMP, JPG, WMF, EMF, SVG
  • Professional Artisan Render Engine included


DWG is progeCAD’s native file format.
It is the same AutoCAD’s file format, so when you open an existing DWG file with progeCAD, there’s no file conversion and no data loss. We provide industry standard compatibility with AutoCAD®, that means you can get to work immediately using DWG files, commands, fonts, blocks, hatches and Linetypes. Furthermore, progeCAD imports Autodesk Revit® and IFC BIM objects.


You already know how to use progeCAD!
progeCAD offers the interface complete with the “AutoCAD® – Like” Classic icon and Ribbon menus and “AutoCAD® – Like” commands.

The User interface is standard and intuitive, familiar to all AutoCAD® Users who will be able to get started with progeCAD immediately.

No learning curve! Nothing to learn if you are an AutoCAD® user.


The PDF2DWG tool included in progeCAD Professional and iCADMac converts vector PDF engineering drawings into the DWG/DXF format as editable objects. 


iCADLib, included in progeCAD and iCADMac,contains more than 22.000 2D/3D blocks.  iCADLibintegrates also the Traceparts and Cadenas web portals for easy-guided usage of more than 100 million of blocks available online.


progeCAD Professional includes the automated building tool for architects, designed to increase productivity in house and interior design and remodeling. Works 2D and 3D

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The Gray Box

Portable release description

This is a multi-package portable. I can add updates/plugins via .svm files, just request plugins or notify me about new updates.


- progeCAD 2020 Portable.exe = main program and data file (1.82 GB) - progeCAD_library.svm = required library files, keep it next to the exe and it will read it automatically (2.72 GB)


Plugins/addons/extensions/presets/brushes/etc can be added in two ways: - via .svm files by me, to put in the same folder as main exe. - via 'normal files' by you, to put somewhere under sandbox folder.

Sandbox folder: "\Sandbox\progeCAD 2020\roaming\modified\@PROGRAMFILES@\PSOFT\progeCAD 2020 Professional ENG\"

Portable features:

  • No installation required
  • No Admin rights needed
  • Pre-activated
  • 100% Offline, completely safe to use, no firewall needed
  • Sandbox folder containing modified settings, delete to reset
  • Just run it and enjoy!



Version Format Size ? Download ?


2020 (v20.0.4.21)
[01 August 2019]


4.54 GB Download


2020 (v20.0.4.21)
[01 August 2019]


680 MB Download


Click above to let me know if this program is important to you! It might get more updates 😎
And if the portable works for you, remember to come back and leave a positive comment! 💖

No files are hosted or transmitted by this server. No copyright infringement or violation of intellectual property intended. All the content reported in this post is just a copy-paste of what can be easily found on the original website of the original software maker, that is the one found by clicking on 'Read more'. That website and the relative company owns any intellectual property here included.
By continuing with any file download, the user agrees to have read and understood the Disclaimer page and to be okay with it - as also stated in the cookie bar at the bottom of every page - agreeing to delete any file downloaded from this post within 24 hours from the first run, as it's intended to be for evaluation purposes only, no different from the official Trial given by the owner, but just in an easy 1-click format without installation hassles.

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COMMENT RULES: follow these or your comment will be ignored.

  • Read FAQ page, it solves 99.8% of the problems.
  • Read the gray box above download links for details on this particular release.
  • If you already downloaded, make sure you read included release note.txt file which often contains more details and instructions.
  • Comment language: English or Italian only
  • REQUEST a new portable/plugin? NOT HERE. ONLY in Requests page it is accepted.
Common issues:
  • Deleted file? Please report in this form. (FAQ point 5)
  • Archive problem? Use winrar 5.80+ to extract, not 7z and NOT win11 folders. (FAQ point 2)
  • Password? NO password needed, use winrar v5.80. (FAQ point 2)
  • Execution problem? Like missing .dll? or splash only? Read FAQ point 7, and make sure you extracted with WinRAR and not the stupid win11 folders, which break archives.

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The download links for some parts are dead?


What’s the difference between Setup (680MB) and Portable (4,54GB)?
What’s generally the difference between Setup and Portable in terms of use?

Mbonisi Ncube

Hi, thanks for the portables. Just wondering why you did not use Mediafire so we can load quicker without any hassles or download speeds


Are there some prerequisits? On Windows 10 I start it and House of Portable shield pops up and after 3 seconds everything disapeares.


Much appreciated


These links are for UNITY, could you please add the progeCAD links??
Thanks for this post!!!


Thanks for fixing and for sharing!!!!


It says Unity Portable. Is that an error? should be progeCad right?


Hello, please repair downloads links, thanks.


Hi, The links to ProgeCad are for Unity.

PS. AWESOME WEBSITE! Thanks heaps for your efforts.