CSi ETABS 18 Portable +Setup (v18.0.2) - The House of Portable

csi etabs 18 portable


The innovative and revolutionary new ETABS is the ultimate integrated software package for the structural analysis and design of buildings. Incorporating 40 years of continuous research and development, this latest ETABS offers unmatched 3D object based modeling and visualization tools, blazingly fast linear and nonlinear analytical power, sophisticated and comprehensive design capabilities for a wide-range of materials, and insightful graphic displays, reports, and schematic drawings that allow users to quickly and easily decipher and understand analysis and design results.

From the start of design conception through the production of schematic drawings, ETABS integrates every aspect of the engineering design process. Creation of models has never been easier – intuitive drawing commands allow for the rapid generation of floor and elevation framing. CAD drawings can be converted directly into ETABS models or used as templates onto which ETABS objects may be overlaid. The state-of-the-art SAPFire 64-bit solver allows extremely large and complex models to be rapidly analyzed, and supports nonlinear modeling techniques such as construction sequencing and time effects (e.g., creep and shrinkage).

One Window, Many Views

ETABS offers a single user interface to perform: Modeling, Analysis, Design, and Reporting. A new model explorer is available for quick access to objects, properties, and forms.

Hardware Accelerated Graphics

Direct X graphics with hardware accelerated graphics allow for navigation of models with fly-throughs and fast rotations.


ETABS has a wide selection of templates for quickly starting a new model. At this model template stage, the user has the ability to define grid and grid spacing, the number of stories, the default structural system sections, default slab and drop panel sections, and uniform loads (specifically dead and live loads).

Model Views

View and manipulate analytical model with great precision. Plans and Elevation views automatically generated at every grid line. Easily define custom views and cutting planes to view and manipulate complex geometry with ease.

Grid Systems

In ETABS, grids can be defined as cartesian, cylindrical, or general free-form grid systems. There is no limit to the number of grid systems in a model, and they can be rotated in any direction or placed at any origin within the model.

Drawing Tools

Many drawing and drafting utilities are built into ETABS to enhance the engineer’s modeling experience. Users will find that many of the common industry standard shortcuts and controls are also available in ETABS.

Plans and Elevations

Plan and elevation views are automatically generated at every grid line to allow for quick navigation of the model. Users can create their own elevation sections by using our Developed Elevation feature.

Interactive Table Data Editing

ETABS data can be viewed and edited using on-screen dockable tables. This is quite useful for defining a model from spreadsheets or viewing analysis or design results.

Meshing Tools

Engineers have many options when it comes to mesh generation in ETABS. Simply select the area object and then select the rules for the automatic mesh generator to use.

Beams, Columns, Braces

In ETABS, beams, columns, and braces are frame elements that can be straight or curved. They are used in a general, three-dimensional, beam-column formulation which includes the effects of biaxial bending, torsion, axial deformation, and biaxial shear deformations. Intermediate joints will automatically be generated where other members intersect with the frame to ensure finite element connectivity.

Shells (Walls, Floors, Ramps)

Shell elements are used to model walls, floors, and ramps. A layered shell element has been added in ETABS that considers mixed material composite behavior, as well as nonlinear material behavior options for each layer based on stress-strain, with shearing behavior considered for rebar layered shell sections.

Floor Diaphragms

Rigid, semi-rigid, and flexible floor diaphragms can be defined in ETABS. Diaphragms can be assigned to joint objects or area objects.

Automated Code Based Loading

ETABS will automatically generate and apply seismic and wind loads based on various domestic and international codes.

Point, Line, Area, and Thermal Loads

ETABS is robust when it comes to assigned loads. Uniform or non-uniform surface loads can be assigned in any direction, not just gravity. Uniform or trapezoidal loads can be defined on lines in any direction. Thermal load can be assigned to joints, lines, and areas.


ETABS dynamic analysis capabilities include the calculation of vibration modes using Ritz or Eigen vectors, response-spectrum analysis, and time-history analysis for both linear and nonlinear behavior.


Pushover analysis features in ETABS include the implementation of FEMA 356 and the hinge and fiber hinge option based on stress-strain. The nonlinear layered shell element enables users to consider plastic behavior of concrete shear walls, slabs, steel plates, and other area finite elements in the pushover analysis. Force-Deformation relations are defined for steel and concrete hinges.

Automation of Performance-Based Design

Performance-Based Design (PBD) is a major shift from traditional structural design concepts and represents the future of earthquake engineering. These new procedures help assure that the design will reliably meet a desired level of performance during a given earthquake.

The fundamental component of PBD is nonlinear dynamic analysis where an attempt is made to capture the real behavior of the structure by explicitly modeling and evaluating post-yield ductility and energy dissipation when subjected to earthquake ground motions. ETABS 2015 introduces new special purpose options and algorithms for the practical and efficient application of these procedures.

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This is a multi-package portable. I can add updates/plugins via .svm files, just request plugins or notify me about new updates.


- CSi ETABS 18 Portable.exe = main program launcher - ETABS18.svm = main data file


Sandbox folder: "\Sandbox\CSi ETABS 18\roaming\modified\@PROGRAMFILES@\Computers and Structures\ETABS 18\..."

Portable features:

  • No installation required
  • No Admin rights needed
  • Activation included
  • 100% Offline, completely safe to use, no firewall needed
  • Sandbox folder containing modified settings, delete to reset
  • Just run it and enjoy!

Note (v21): it's also included an online launcher, seems to work well, you can delete it if not needed.



Version Format Size ? Download ?


[25 November 2019]

Show older versions


1.19 GB

[13 October 2018]


1.25 GB
archive password: archive password: thehouseofportable.com


[25 November 2019]


890 MB


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Thank you very much.
Please ,
i want etabs v18 for win 32


brilliant… portable ETABS, never would come up with…
CSI.Detail.v18 please, more important!!


Thank you very much.
Please ,
Will you be creating a CSi Safe portable ??


It works prefect on Windows 10. Thank you very much!
Could you also create portable program for GeoStudio 2018?


The logo of the house of portable pop up when i opened the ETABS 17.0.1 Portable.exe. However, the program does not run after the logo. I tired other portable app in the house of portable and they have similar problem. I am using Window 10. Grateful if you could tell me how to solve the problem. Thank you.


All donwload connections has problem


can you update the link, seems not working for me. thanks u in advance


OMG I cannot be more grateful than I am now. Thank you so much for creating a portable version of this one. You really helped me a lot. God bless you and more power to you.


My friend! Thanks for your great contribution.
Could you please upload a version in 32 bits for Etabs 17 and for the other CSi software?
Thanks in advance!


CSI Bridge and SAFE software. Excellent. Thanks


HI. Thank you very much.
Excellent program,
Will you create portable ones of the other programs that CSI has?