LAND Premium 8.5 Portable - The House of Portable
land premium 8.5 portable

Preparation and analysis of outdoor activities

The success of your outings depends on better preparation

The most advanced software on the market to edit tracks, prepare routes and display several maps at once. Analyse every detail of your itineraries and relive each stage of your activities. Discover the reliability and accuracy of Land, the perfect addition to your GPS device

1. Prepare

Land software is essential for any outdoor sports enthusiast. Discover freedom with software for adventurers like you. With Land you’ll be able to prepare your outings from the comfort of home no matter what your sport is (hiking, road cycling, mountain biking, cyclotourism, 4×4, kayaking, trail running, geocaching, etc.).

2. Transfer

When you’re done preparing your tracks, routes and waypoints, you can easily transfer them to the GPS with just one click. You can also transfer the map you used to prepare the outing. Land guarantees fast and direct communications with the TwoNav GPS, and even with devices from other brands.

3. Analyse

Back home, Land will automatically load the tracks and waypoints you recorded with the GPS. In one minute you’ll be ready to relive your adventures. Analyse your outings in detail with a multitude of data fieldsgraphs, logbooks, 3D simulations and more.

Prepare your outings safely: Without risks or limits

Plan your adventures without leaving home. Land will automatically open the most suitable and detailed map based on the itinerary you’re preparing. Display multiple map types and formats in the same place. Land guarantees maximum compatibility with all types of maps:
  • Map types: Road, topographic, orthophoto, nautical, aviation, etc.
  • Map formats: *.CDEM, *.COSM, *.CWMS, *.ECW, *.IMG, *.IMP, *.JPG, *.KML, *.KMZ, *.MAP, *.MPVF, *.OSM, *.PNG, *.RMAP, *.RTMP, *.SID, *.TIF, *.VMAP, *.WGOM…
Highlight the relief on your maps with shading that will help you to see the surrounding area much better. Remember you can also display your next outings in 3D views. Take charge of the goggles and watch yourself moving inside the most realistic simulation. Don’t forget to video record the simulations and share them with your fellow adventurers!

Edit Tracks, Routes and Waypoints without limits

Land features a wide range of tools for safely planning your outdoor activities so you can avoid any dangers. Edit each stage step by step and find alternatives for reaching your destination.
  • Open a wide variety of formats: Tracks/Routes *.BTRK, *.FIT, *.GPX, *.IGC, *.LOG, *.KML, *.KMZ, *.PLT, *.RTE, *.TCX, *.TRK, *.TXT… Waypoints *.BWPT, *.CUP, *.GPX , *.KML, *.KMZ, *.LOC, *.TXT, *.WPT…
  • Accurately draw tracks and routes. Create your own itineraries point to point or freehand, divide a track into several stages, merge several itineraries, change the colour or thickness of the tracks and more.
  • Personalise paths with waypoints: Modify your path’s trajectory by moving or deleting waypoints to adapt it to your needs.
  • Georeference photos and videos: If you’re constantly taking pictures, Land will automatically add them to the track, detecting where you were when the photograph/video was taken.
  • Turn paper roadbooks into digital ones: Design your own e-Roadbooks with all the entries you used to make on paper: add icons, photographs, manoeuvres, hyperlinks, etc.
  • Display all your outings on a calendar by date: Save your best activities in logbooks and group them in the same file.
  • Access itineraries from online communities: Wikiloc, GPSies, TraceGPS, OpenRunner, LaTrace, UtagawaVTT,…
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LAND Premium

[09 October 2018]


81 MB

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Ciao, links della versione SETUP standard non funzionanti… puoi ripristinarli? Grazie !!!!


Good morning after so I managed to find “Land 8.5” cracked, thank you. I wanted to ask you, ’cause after I opened the program and worked a few minutes I quit, so’ forgetting all the work done?. It ‘a problem of my pc ?

                                                                        thanks Mauro


Hi! This comment isn’t for this entry. I just published it here because is your latests update and is more likely to be read 😀 I am using your version of AutoCAD 2019 and I’m extremely pleased. It works like a charm and supposedly leaves no trace, kudos for your hard work. Could you take a look at a piece of software called NI MultiSIM Power Pro? (It sums up to 5 grand a year license D: Totally out of my reach). I would be so grateful if you made that portable (and activated :P), or pointed me to another… Read more »