Graphisoft ARCHICAD 28.1 Portable +Enscape +Setup - The House of Portable

archicad 23 portable

ARCHICAD – BIM inside and out

ARCHICAD 23 enables architects to model faster and create accurate construction details and quantity estimations for reinforced concrete, complex steel, timber, and composite beams and columns. Complex columns, curved and haunched beams can now be modeled and documented to meet graphic and representation standards. Beams and columns can be displayed using various projected and symbolic views and cover fills.

ARCHICAD delivers design tool improvements and introduces enhanced design workflow processes. These represent significant performance improvements and productivity enhancements to its core design processes as well as to multidisciplinary collaborative workflows.

Facade Design

ARCHICAD’s remastered Façade Design workflow enables architects to design, develop and detail hierarchical curtain wall systems with great freedom using modular patterns. The design happens with a natural graphical input in the most natural design environment in 3D or 2D elevations, while ARCHICAD ensures the curtain wall system is structurally correct and adheres to local requirements for documenting and listing.

Faster & smoother 2D navigation

ARCHICAD introduces significant performance improvements, focusing on a smooth and truly responsive 2D panning and zooming navigation experience for projects of any size.

Parametric Custom Profiles

ARCHICAD’s Parametric Custom Profiles combines the power of parametric design with the freedom of graphical profile creation.

Expression Based Properties

ARCHICAD allows you to use logical expressions to derive new properties and property values that depend on the element’s own parameters. This new function greatly enriches the information — or “I” component — of BIM. Its automatic workflow lets you define any calculation rule as an element property value and update it automatically, without time-consuming and error-prone manual data entry.

Productivity and Workflow Enhancements

ARCHICAD brings several productivity improvements, providing easier and more intuitive building design, faster and more precise construction documentation, more accurate schedules and cost estimation.

Read more

This is a multi-package portable. I can add updates/plugins via .svm files, just request plugins or notify me about new updates.


- ARCHICAD 23 Portable.exe = main program and data file - (for v22) migration_libraries.svm = older migration libraries prior to v20. Libs for v20/v21 included in v22 exe file. - (for v23+) All libraries already included in main package.


Sandbox folder: "\Sandbox\ARCHICAD 22\roaming\modified\@PROGRAMFILES@\Graphisoft\ARCHICAD 22\"

Portable features:

  • No installation required
  • No Admin rights needed
  • Pre-activated
  • 100% Offline, completely safe to use, no firewall needed
  • Sandbox folder containing modified settings, delete to reset
  • Just run it and enjoy!
Note 19-feb-2025: uploaded fixed v28.1 'v2' version (the program was getting closed before after initial window)



Version Format Size ? Download ?

Portable releases


[17 February 2025]

Show older versions


3.6 GB

v23 (Build 3003)
[21 September 2019]


3 GB

v22 (Build 3006)
[07 August 2018]


2.6 GB

+Migration libs:

v20 (Build 5011)
[03 February 2017]


2.8 GB Dfiles

Enscape Plugin

4.3.0 (for v25+)
[17 February 2025]

Show older versions


670 MB

3.4.4 (for v21-v26)
[03 April 2023]


250 MB

2.7.0 (for v21-v23)
[19 April 2020]


177 MB

v2.6.1 (for v21-22)
[02 January 2020]


177 MB

v2.5.2 (for v21-22)
[09 June 2019]


280 MB

v2.3.2 (for v21-22)
[04 December 2018]


320 MB

Setup releases


[17 February 2025]

Show older versions


4.4 GB

v23 (Build 3003)
[21 September 2019]


1.9 GB

Enscape plugin

4.3.0 (for v25+)
[17 February 2025]

Show older versions


602 MB

3.4.4 (for v21-v26)
[03 April 2023]


112 MB

for v21-v23
[19 April 2020]


80 MB

for v21-22

[02 January 2020]


80 MB


Click above to let me know if this program is important to you! It might get more updates 😎
And if the portable works for you, remember to come back and leave a positive comment! 💖

No files are hosted or transmitted by this server. No copyright infringement or violation of intellectual property intended. All the content reported in this post is just a copy-paste of what can be easily found on the original website of the original software maker, that is the one found by clicking on 'Read more'. That website and the relative company owns any intellectual property here included.
By continuing with any file download, the user agrees to have read and understood the Disclaimer page and to be okay with it - as also stated in the cookie bar at the bottom of every page - agreeing to delete any file downloaded from this post within 24 hours from the first run, as it's intended to be for evaluation purposes only, no different from the official Trial given by the owner, but just in an easy 1-click format without installation hassles.

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Enscape Setup does not work with ArchiCad23 ? How to make it work in Archicad 23 . i used Setup of ArchiCad23


Thanks a lot for your amazing job, sir!
Can you please do the same for Revit 2020? It would be great!



Hi, is the portable 22 file a stand alone one or i need the archicad V20 file to work with plz?
Thanks for the work


add Library Part Maker-22 Please

[…] CAD usages. Offers more CAD functions than AutoCAD® LT at a fraction of the cost of AutoCAD®, ArchiCAD® or […]

The most intuitive way to design, document and communicate your ideas in 3D.


Thanks Bro for ur Portable. Very usefull.


Would it be possible to add “Energy Evaluation” tools? (Thermal Bridge Simulation etc.) I thinks it has to do with ECODESIGNER version. Thanks in advance!


thankyou so much for your job, this archicad 22 port works very nice, can you release goodies in svm format for this. Because normal goodies installer don’t works if it cannot find an archicad installed version


I’m asking the same, please…

OOFHA mothooagae

thank you for this potable


Thx a lot for the app! Could u pls portable the latest version of ArchiCAD22 (i guess it could be 4005?), since the AC23 would be released soon.

[…] Download new version: Graphisoft ARCHICAD 22 Portable (Build 3006) […]

Okay, no rush, but AC22.4005 would be the ultimate choice if ppl want to AC22 rather than AC23, because a new version usually means it’s full of bugs, while the last update is much more reassuring, right? 🙂 Oh, btw, a plug-in request for ArchiCAD: the rhino grasshopper archicad connection plugin, thx a lot in advance!!!


Hi, thx a lot for your great work. It’s really really useful to me.

I have a question though. ArchiCAD is working like a charm, but the svm file doesn’t seem to work. I’m not able to find the Enscape menu in ArchiCAD when it is launched.

I’ve tried to put it in several places (the files by default or even in the program files of the sandbox). Am I missing something ?

Thx a lot.


Hi, I’m back. Following your advices I downloaded the 22 version and placed the .svm near it. As always (thanks again) ArchiCAD works perfectly, but the Enscape plugin does not load … I must be doing something wrong but I can’t see what … Some help maybe ? And also I have another question, do you think Twinmotion (by Epic games) could be made portable ? It would be great because it is actually free but not for long (until november). It would allow us to keep available at all time a legal version of this great software. Thanks a… Read more »

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