Maxon ZBrush 2025.1 Portable +Multilanguage +Setup +XMDToolbox - The House of Portable

zbrush 2020 portable


ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting. Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay in a real-time environment that provides instant feedback. When you use ZBrush you’ll be working with the same tools used by film studios, game developers, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators and artists the world over.



We are pleased to introduce Sculptris Pro, a dynamic tessellation sculpting workflow that enables you to ignore the constraints of polygon distribution and just — sculpt! Sculptris Pro makes it possible for you to begin with any shape or model, whether it has ten polygons or ten thousand. There is absolutely no need to worry about having enough polygons to capture details.

With Sculptris Pro you can simply brush across the surface. Sculptris Pro will dynamically add and reduce polygons wherever and whenever it’s needed, freeing you to focus entirely on the look you’re trying to achieve. Start with a sphere, cube, cone or any other mesh and have some fun with Sculptris Pro.


Project Primitive is a unique deformer that offers a new way to blend multiple pieces of geometry together. Use multiple primitives to reshape a mesh, cut into a surface, build up from another mesh, and more.


ZBrush 2019 provides PolygroupIt — an entirely new way to create the polygon groupings that are so essential to a smooth workflow. PolygroupIt accurately evaluates the surface of a model in real-time, generating intelligent groupings with a single button click. Creating Polygroups has never been so easy. With PolygroupIt you can delete, add, copy & paste, grow or shrink, create Polygroups symmetrically and even use PolyPaint to trace out exactly what you want your Polygroups to look like.

ZBrush 2018

  • Elastic Option for Curve Mode
  • Liquid Option for Curve Mode
  • Equidistant Gizmo Mesh Duplication
  • Remember Draw Size
  • Remember Dynamic Mode for Draw Size
  • Tessimate Geometry
  • New PolyGroup by Normals Algorithm
  • Added Draw Transformation Border option to hide transformation border
  • Increased OBJ Import file size capacity
  • Increased Output Size for 3D Print Hub
  • New Snake Hook Brushes for Scultpris Pro
  • Option to Save Startup Default Material
  • QuickSaves Can Now be Saved to Any Hard Drive
  • New Activation and License Management System with Unique Login Support
  • Create Displacement Maps from the highest subdiv level if HD geometry levels are present
  • OBJ Import will not accept Color Vertex information
  • Presets added to Decimation Master
  • Read more

ZBrush 2018.1

  • Added various changes to increase ZBrush sculpting and navigation speed.
  • Added ‘Go To Unmasked Center’ button for use with Gizmo3D center option.
  • Added ‘Uvb’ and ‘Uvbt’ (UV-Box and UV-Box tiles) UV map creation options.
  • Added option to export Smooth Normals with OBJ files.
  • Added ZModeler Inset proportional option. (A Single Poly only. CTRL modifier)
  • Added a warning when loading custom brushes with auto-masking enabled if Sculptris Pro is active.
  • Added a MatCap Red Wax material so it will no longer be fully replaced when using ‘Save As Startup Material’.
  • More in 2018.1

ZBrush 2019

ZBrush 2019 continues in the path of creativity and productivity with major new features allowing artists to work even faster, especially focusing on creating hard-surface and mechanical shapes with greater ease. While working, or as a final during creation you will be able to produce stunning nonrealistic rendering with instant feedback. ZBrush 2019 also helps you to be more efficient with its new Folders organization system, it’s rewritten automatic retopology tool, and a new camera system. Your art will change forever.

  • Non-Photorealistic Rendering (NPR)
  • Snapshot3D
  • ZRemesher v3.0
  • New Folder system.
  • Universal Camera
  • Intersection Masker
  • ZColor

ZBrush 2020

ZBrush 2020 empowers artists with greater sculpting flexibility via powerful additions to the award winning brush system. We have expanded the library of sculpting brushes with the new XTractor, HistoryRecall and DecoCurve brushes. In addition, you can now constrain your brush strokes to only forward gestures with the new No Back&Forth modifier.
Beyond the new brushes we’ve expanded the capabilities of the MorphUV feature, which makes it possible to view the unwrapped UV layout of a model within ZBrush. Sculpt & Paint in Morph UV allows you to sculpt and paint on the 2D unwrap of a model, applying all updates to the 3D model.

ZBrush 2025

The latest updates to ZBrush enhance workflows for artists, whether they are starting a project from the comfort of their couch or adding final touches to a sculpt on their desktop: The Anchor Brush in ZBrush for Desktop receives a new Bend mode, allowing users to bend models with two anchor points and give a different deformation to the model than the rotate mode. Thanks to an improved integration of Redshift, users enjoy even better rendering of their sculpts and the addition of AOVs provides greater control in compositing. Various speed enhancements will boost workflows with much faster feedback when adjusting lighting or material attributes of a model. With the addition of Redshift Denoiser, you can get to a final render much faster without the need to raise the quality slider. Additionally, GoZ has been updated to simplify the process of sending sculpts from ZBrush for Desktop to the current versions of 3Ds Max and Maya, as well as exchanging files from ZBrush for iPad with Cinema 4D. This makes it easy to pose and animate your model, add simulations and particle effects or take full advantage of Redshift in Cinema 4D. Additionally, we’re introducing Pro Projects inside of ZBrush, featuring a set of holiday cookies.

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This is a multi-package portable. I can add updates/plugins via .svm files, just request plugins or notify me about new updates.


- ZBrush 2025 Portable.exe = main program and data file - XMDToolbox.svm = optional plugin (Launch from ZPlugin -> XMD)


Sandbox folder: "\Sandbox\ZBrush 2025\roaming\modified\@PROGRAMFILES@\Pixologic\ZBrush 2025\"


Multilanguage version: All available ZBrush languages included

zbrush portable multilanguage

Portable features:

  • No installation required
  • No Admin rights needed
  • Pre-activated
  • 100% Offline, completely safe to use, no firewall needed
  • Sandbox folder containing modified settings, delete to reset
  • Just run it and enjoy!

20 November 2019 - 2020 "v2" = fixed saving feature in both portable+setup. Thanks tyler! 20 February 2020 - 2020.1.1 update + added XMToolbox plugin 04 January 2025 - v2025 release (note that now Maxon purchased the ZBrush brand, and it is no longer Pixologic)



Version Format Size ? Download ?

Portable releases


[04 January 2025]

Show older versions


2.2 GB

[20 February 2020]


2 GB

2020 v2
[20 November 2019]


2 GB

[02 August 2019]


1.84 GB

[Mar.15, 2019]


1.81 GB

[Jul.11, 2018]


1.7 GB

[20 February 2020]

(for portable)

23 MB

Setup releases


[04 January 2025]

Show older versions


2.5 GB

[20 February 2020]


1.3 GB

2020 v2
[20 November 2019]


1.3 GB

[02 August 2019]


1.4 GB

[20 February 2020]


8 MB


Click above to let me know if this program is important to you! It might get more updates 😎
And if the portable works for you, remember to come back and leave a positive comment! 💖

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hello, I’m having problems with the XMDtoolbox. Everytime I load a brush and use it, it crashes whenever I try to save that project. Or is it me not knowing how the XMDtoolbox works? Any solutions? thanks a lot
edit: already works fine. Probably more to do with the undo history. Trying out custom IMM brush to see if it works

Last edited 3 years ago by hasta