SketchUp Pro 2018 Portable +V-Ray 3.60.03 +Plugins - The House of Portable

sketchup pro 2018 portable vray

SketchUp Pro

The most intuitive way to design, document and communicate your ideas in 3D

Make everything easier

SketchUp is useful from the earliest stages of design to the end of construction. Programming, diagramming, design development, detailing, documentation, RFIs—wherever you need drawings, you need SketchUp Pro.

Get good, fast

Whoever asked for complicated CAD software? SketchUp is hands-down the most intuitive and easy-to-learn 3D drawing tool around.

Think by drawing in 3D

We designed SketchUp to behave like an extension of your hand, so you can draw whatever you want, however you want.

Create accurate, highly-detailed models

SketchUp is accurate to a thousandth of an inch, so you can design, specify, and plan with as much or little detail as you need.

Produce scaled, accurate drawings

SketchUp isn’t just for 3D models. Draw plans, elevations, details, title blocks and a lot more with LayOut. When your model changes, so does your document. Simple.

Generate presentation documents

With LayOut, you’re equipped for page design, drafting, vector illustration and slide presentations: everything you need to explain everything.

Create compelling walkthroughs

Use SketchUp Pro to turn your models into animated walkthroughs and flyovers that explain every detail.

Simple is powerful

Find a 3D model of anything

Need an oven for the kitchen you’re designing? An automobile for your driveway? A rhino for your zoo? Find it all in 3D Warehouse, the world’s biggest library of free 3D models.

Turn models into documents

Eventually, some 3D models grow up to become professional 2D drawing sets. LayOut in SketchUp Pro helps you showcase your models and create drawings you’ll be proud of.

Intuitive vector drawing

LayOut’s drawing tools are just like SketchUp’s: simple, smart, and fun. And because everything you draw is vector smart, scaling and rotating can be done with utmost precision.

Dimension, detail, explain

Use dimensioning tools that snap to the edges of SketchUp models and quickly set the format, scale, and precision of displayed measurements. Customize callouts via controls for line weight, arrow and stroke style, curved leader lines, font formatting, line spacing… You get the picture, and so will everyone else.

New in 2018



New way of doing portables: separate .svm packages
-useful for plugins & so: reduces main exe size that contains only the program, thne you can download the plugin package only if you want it!
-ability for me to release a small program update through these separate files, without having to make the whole thing form scratch for each update.
--> More updated portables and less unnecessary size!

This release includes:
- main package (465 Mb): 3 small exe files (SketchUp, LayOut, Style Builder) plus a .dat file with all the main data.
- V-Ray 3.6 plugin package: optional .svm file, download if you want to use V-Ray with this SketchUp --> made it! should work, read activation txt carefully. Requires second version of SketchUp portable, not sure if it works with previous version.
!! Use method 2 explained in txt, because method 1 is messed up !! --> new March2019 final version works with no problem, just run Sketchup and use vray ;)Plugins Pack (220 Mb): an additional optional collection of many plugins. See list
You have to download the main package. If you want one or both of the additional plugins packages, download them and put the .svm file near the main exe files. At next startup, the portable will recognize the new plugins!

All files from all packages:
sketchup 2017 portable vray plugins all files



Version Format Size ? Download ?

SketchUp Pro



470 MB Download

third final version [Mar.14, 2019]

SketchUp Pro

2018 v3


470 MB

SketchUp Pro

2018 v3


470 MB

V-Ray plugin

(full activated)

.svm file

1.2 GB

Enscape plugin

[Dec.02, 2018]

.svm file

315 MB

Plugins Pack

2018 v2/v3

.svm file

210 MB

second version [June 11, 2018]

SketchUp Pro

2018 v2


430 MB

V-Ray plugin
+old-style activation
(use method 2)

for v2, maybe v1

.svm file

740 MB

first version [Dec.18, 2017]

SketchUp Pro

2018 v1


430 MB



Plugins Pack

2018 v1

.svm file

210 MB



archive password: thehouseofportable archive password

–> Get latest SketchUp 2019 Portable <--



Click above to let me know if this program is important to you! It might get more updates 😎
And if the portable works for you, remember to come back and leave a positive comment! 💖

No files are hosted or transmitted by this server. No copyright infringement or violation of intellectual property intended. All the content reported in this post is just a copy-paste of what can be easily found on the original website of the original software maker, that is the one found by clicking on 'Read more'. That website and the relative company owns any intellectual property here included.
By continuing with any file download, the user agrees to have read and understood the Disclaimer page and to be okay with it - as also stated in the cookie bar at the bottom of every page - agreeing to delete any file downloaded from this post within 24 hours from the first run, as it's intended to be for evaluation purposes only, no different from the official Trial given by the owner, but just in an easy 1-click format without installation hassles.

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hi! Do these portable versions of sketchup work with swarm rendering?
There are 3 licenses at work and I want to install the portable version on my pc… will it communicate with the official versions?


maybe vray 3.6 is available now. can you pack it please.


I download the plugin pack but I can’t install plugin.svm extension to sketchup 2018
Can anyone help me pls


Avez-vous trouvez un lien pour télécharger le crack de V-RAY 3.6 ?


Is it possbile to recomplie and add Vray 3.40.04 to this release from your previous Sketchup Portable release:

I was trying to copy only vray.svm file but sketchup portable 2018 can’t see this extension.


I got VR 3.6 medicine from a pal, but not sure if it’s good or not, haven’t tried yet.
Let me know if you’re interested.


I have a problem with 3D warehouse. When I tried to launch it from sketchup I get message: No internet connection.
It’s strange because all other programs runs normally and Internet is working.
The same issue is with your earlier release – 2017 from your site.

Freddy Recife

Waiting for Vray! Please


When the Vray package will be uploaded?
Thanks for this release.


Thanks for this when can we get the v-ray plugin please ?


quando si avvia il programma non trova alcune librerie e modelli che lui cerca nella cartella utenti del pc dove viene caricato il programma stesso, è possibile nella preferenza farsi che li vada a cercare nella sottocartella del portatile e memorizzarlo per i successivi caricamenti dell’applicativo?


scusa perchè non rispondi al mio post e ad altri sì?

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