Sequoia is one of the leading software solutions for acclaimed studios that focus on audio production, broadcasting, post-production and mastering.
As mastering engineers, combining precision, efficiency and creative craftsmanship with extraordinary ideas is what we do. That’s why Sequoia is a true icon when it comes to mastering. With a unique object editor, detailed phase and peak meters, high-quality plug-ins and native audio restoration, the software fulfils all professional demands.
The success of a complex audio production depends on each and every detail and nuance. With this premise in mind, we’ve developed features for source destination cut and multi-synchronous cut. This allows you to combine different concert recordings into a single whole in the blink of an eye.
Time is a decisive factor in broadcasting. For this reason, Sequoia offers direct connection to broadcast CMS and automation systems. Thanks to the powerful audio engine, you can edit material during a live recording and sent to a broadcast station with a slight delay.
Sequoia is a constant in an ever-changing industry. This is due on the one hand to the software’s high stability and reliability, on the other to the close collaboration between our team of developers and recording studios, TV stations and broadcasters. With these industry connections, we’re in the know – so this lets us focus on developing and bringing to the market features that are actually needed in post-production.
Sequoia has been one of the leading software solutions for professional audio productions for decades. Sequoia 15 is specifically designed to meet the requirements of professional users and represents a further milestone in the area of audio production, broadcasting and mastering.
This is a multi-package portable. I can add updates/plugins via .svm files, just request plugins or notify me about new updates.
- MAGIX Sequoia 15 Portable.exe = main program launcher - sequoia.dat = connection between all launchers and all data files - sequoia15.svm = main data file - launchers for Independence and Independence Live (free version)
Sandbox folder example: "\Sandbox\MAGIX Sequoia 15\roaming\modified\@PROGRAMFILES@\MAGIX\Sequoia 15\..."
Multilanguage version! All available languages included, change in Help->Language. Included: English, Italian, German, Spanish, French.
Portable features:
- No installation required
- No Admin rights needed
- Pre-activated
- 100% Offline, completely safe to use, no firewall needed (online version available)
- Sandbox folder containing modified settings, delete to reset
- Just run it and enjoy!
Version | Format | Size ? | Download ? | |
MAGIX Sequoia | x64 |
Portable |
8.1 GB | |
Setup |
7.45 GB |
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And if the portable works for you, remember to come back and leave a positive comment! 💖
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