Microsoft Office 2016 Pro Plus Portable - The House of Portable

office 2016 professional plus portable

Work like a pro

Get the tools you need—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher, Access—to create, present, communicate, and publish like the professional you are.

  • Word 2016, Excel 2016, PowerPoint 2016, OneNote 2016, Outlook 2016, Publisher 2016, and Access 2016.
  • Capture your ideas however you work best, using keyboard, pen, or touchscreen.
  • Be a power Office user—the easy way. Type what you want help with in the new Tell Me box on the ribbon and it will tell you how to do it.
  • New themes let you choose the Office experience that’s right for you. Dark and Dark Gray themes provide high contrast that’s easier on the eyes, and the Colorful theme gives you a modern look that’s consistent across your devices.
  • Let one of the templates from the Start screen do most of the setup and design, so you can focus on your ideas and data
  • Keep track of comments in Word documents and mark them as done with the new reply button.
  • Pull content from PDFs straight into Word. Open PDFs and edit paragraphs, lists, and tables just as you do in familiar Word documents.
  • Save time formatting information in Excel so you can draw insights from your data faster. New tools recognize your pattern and auto-complete data.
  • New modern charts and graphs in Excel give you more ways to explore and tell compelling stories with your business data. Excel recommends charts best suited for your data, and gives you a preview how your data will look.
  • In Excel, you can now create basic forecasts on your data series with one click to visualize future trends.
  • Embed Excel spreadsheets, diagrams, audio clips, videos, and almost any other kind of file in your OneNote notebooks. Your notes are saved, searchable, and synced to OneNote apps on your other devices, so you can use or share them from anywhere.
  • List and summarize data from a related table or query fast in Access. Simply click an item to open a detailed view of that item.
  • Best for home businesses and very small businesses

office pro 2016 portable files



archive password: thop+thop



Click above to let me know if this program is important to you! It might get more updates 😎
And if the portable works for you, remember to come back and leave a positive comment! 💖

No files are hosted or transmitted by this server. No copyright infringement or violation of intellectual property intended. All the content reported in this post is just a copy-paste of what can be easily found on the original website of the original software maker, that is the one found by clicking on 'Read more'. That website and the relative company owns any intellectual property here included.
By continuing with any file download, the user agrees to have read and understood the Disclaimer page and to be okay with it - as also stated in the cookie bar at the bottom of every page - agreeing to delete any file downloaded from this post within 24 hours from the first run, as it's intended to be for evaluation purposes only, no different from the official Trial given by the owner, but just in an easy 1-click format without installation hassles.

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Monkey Moon

Is it possible to change the language in this application (in french) ?
Or is it necessary to make another application ?
Thanks for the answer


Hello, after uncompressing the files I have not found word 2016.exe!

Where can I find it ?


The part files wont open in 7zip or win rar




The part file won’t open because you haven’t let it download yet. PART files never open. they are a PART of a file 🙂


Good morning,

I’m sorry, but when I try to unrar the archives, WinRAR tells me the archive is dammaged or its format is unknown… (whether I try with the smalls or big files). Is it a known issue? How to solve it?

Thank you in advance, and thanks for your job.


First MS office 2016 portable that works! The app crash after clicking accept agreement ‘s gone after I followed this tip:

“I fixed this problem by adding a DWORD of “shownfirstrunoptin” and setting it to “1” in the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\General”




I tried adding the “shownfirstrunoptin” to my pc, but it did not get rid of the Agreement popup window?

Do I need to modify the “xregistry.bin” file with this registry fix or my host machine registry file? I tried
both and they don’t seem to work for me.

Any ideas?

ravi singh

may i know where to find the registry and make changes. I am using windows 7.


So how do you fix this issue…its not explained how.



Juan Tenorio

any software package works

Juan Tenorio

any software package works


Password thop+thop not working

lou stephen

thank you my friend

lou stephen

my anti-virus alerts me a malware

can i use this office without risk of malware ?

and please reply me as well on fl studio

waiting for your reply



Buongiorno, ho provato Office 2016 Portable e mi sembra davvero un buon lavoro, complimenti.
Volevo sapere se è possibile renderlo in italiano con il language pack ed eventualmente come fare.
Vi ringrazio anticipatamente.

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